20 year warranty

Contact Form

  • Enter the code into the space provided.
  • The code is case sensitive.

How To Shop Online

Proceed to Checkout

  1. Register an Account
  2. Update your address
  3. Add Items to your Basket
  4. Click on the Basket or Checkout
  5. Adjust your quantities
  6. Verify your Totals
  7. Click on
    • Get Quote: Getting a Quote allows you to generate a quotation for the Items in your checkout.
    • Order Items: Ordering Items allows you to place an Order and pay for the Items at a later stage, or via an alternative method.
    • Purchase Items: Purchasing Items generates an Invoice and takes you to the payment gateway selector, where you are able to choose a preferred method of paying.
  8. Note:
    • Convert: A Document can be converted to an Invoice at a later stage.
    • Reserving Items: Stock Quantities are checked when an item is added to the basket, however an item is only reserved once payment has been made.


  1. Customer Accounts
    • Simply Register a customer account and Update your details.
    • Remember to Update your address.
  2. Company Accounts
    • Register a company account and update your profile
      1. Set your "Account Type".
      2. Set your Company Name and Registration Number.
      3. We will automatically be notified and review your account, we may contact you for further enquiries.
      4. You will be notified once your account has been approved.

Warranties and Guarantees

  1. Access / Reference
    • If applicable. Can be viewed when viewing an Item, a link can be found under the Item Code.
  2. E-Mail Copies
    • A copy will be E-mailed (upon purchase, with your Invoice) provided that the Item(s) is/are backed by either a Warranty and/or Guarantee.

Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE)

  1. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE) is a phrase used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for potentially incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a quotation or specification. It is often applied as a disclaimer in situations in which the information to which it is applied is relatively fast-moving. In legal terms, it seeks to make a statement that information cannot be relied upon, or may have changed by the time of use.
  2. Please read: E&OE