PVC Decorative Shutters, Louvres & Doors
PVC Window Shutters
PVC Louvres and Shutters are a versatile and practical solution for both functional and decorative purposes.
At Value Fencing PVC, we offer custom-made PVC shutters and louvre screens, doors, and gates that are tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
Our shutters and louvres come in a variety of designs, slat sizes, and apertures, allowing you to choose the perfect style that suits your taste and requirements. Whether you need to screen unsightly pipes, ducts, gas bottles, or air-conditioner condensers, or create an outdoor shower cubicle, our PVC Louvres are the perfect solution.
Moreover, our louvre screens and combinations are ideal for screening the sides of your balcony or veranda, blocking out the sun, and redirecting rainwater away from the floor.
You can trust Value Fencing PVC to deliver exceptional quality and service, as we were chosen as the contractor to install all Louvre screening at Pearl Sky Development's A/C Units and Geysers for Group 5 at The Pearls of Umhlanga.
Afrikaans version:
PVC Hortjies en Skutters is 'n veelsydige en praktiese oplossing vir beide funksionele en dekoratiewe doeleindes. By Value Fencing PVC bied ons op maat gemaakte PVC-skutters en hortjies-skermdeure en hekke wat op jou spesifieke behoeftes en voorkeure toegespits is.
Ons skutters en hortjies kom in 'n verskeidenheid ontwerpe, latgroottes en openinge, sodat jy die perfekte styl kan kies wat by jou smaak en vereistes pas. Of jy nou lelike pype, kanale, gasbottels of lugverkoeler-kondensers wil afskerm of 'n buitelug-stortkajuit wil skep, ons PVC-louvres is die perfekte oplossing.
Verder is ons hortjies-skermdeure en kombinasies ideaal vir die afskerming van die kante van jou balkon of stoep, wat die son blokkeer en reënwater van die vloer aflei.
Jy kan vertrou op Value Fencing PVC om uitsonderlike kwaliteit en diens te lewer, aangesien ons gekies is as die kontrakteur om alle Hortjies-skerming by Pearl Sky-ontwikkeling se lugverkoeler-eenhede en geysers te installeer vir Groep 5 by The Pearls of Umhlanga.
PVC Decorative Shutters, Louvres & Doors - Hortjies
Value Fencing PVC Louvered screen doors for Aircon condensers, Sea Mist, Ilala Views, Ilala Ridge.
YouTube Author: Willie Labuschagne Value Fencing PVC
YouTube Channel:
Value Fencing PVC Louvered screen doors for Aircon condensers, Sea Mist, Ilala Views, Ilala Ridge.
PVC Custom made louvered swing door screening on Veranda to screen off unsightly Airconditioner condensers.
- Built to your requirements.
- Affordable alternative to aluminum.
- Very durable.
- No Maintenance uPVC Material.
- 20 Years Warranty.