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Plastic Fencing In South Africa

Plastic Fencing In South Africa

Author: Value Fencing PVC Franchise Group SA
Date: 2021-03-31

PVC Fencing in South Africa: Unraveling the Excellence by Value Fencing

Discover the unparalleled quality and innovation in PVC fencing offered by Value Fencing, setting a new standard for fencing solutions in South Africa.

Why Choose PVC Fencing by Value Fencing?

  1. Aesthetic Harmony: Our PVC fencing is designed to look identical from both sides, ensuring a visually appealing boundary that satisfies both you and your neighbor.
  2. Investment in Value: At Value Fencing, we view a fence as an investment that adds value to your property. Our commitment lies in providing the highest quality PVC fencing that stands the test of time.
  3. National Reach: With branches spanning from Cape Town to Durban, Value Fencing ensures accessibility across South Africa. Our friendly experts are ready to serve you, making it convenient to enhance your property with top-notch PVC fencing.

Unmatched Durability and Aesthetic Excellence

Value Fencing stands as the leading provider of PVC fencing solutions in South Africa, showcasing:

  • High-Quality Materials: Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the use of top-quality PVC materials, ensuring durability and longevity.
  • Low Maintenance Features: Discover the advantages of low-maintenance PVC fencing, freeing you from the hassles of frequent repairs and upkeep.

Plastic fencing in South Africa is a popular option. When choosing to fence it shouldn't be a last-minute decision. As with many big home purchases, it's important to spend time shopping around and getting enough options before you make a decision. Once you have prioritized the factors that are important, such as:






After this decision, it is time to select the materials needed.

Plastic fencing is the better option as it won't rot, blister or grow with fungus. You will not need to worry about splintering, splitting, or cracking. Plastic fencing is fire resistant and not affected by pests. Wood is not a good choice as it is an appetizing meal for pests. Plastic fencing is not appealing to pests at all. wood may last up to 20 years but breaks down over time and needs to maintained often - costing you more. Wood needs to be treated with pressure and chemically treated and preserved with a sealant. With PVC fencing, you will never have splinters, making it child and pet-friendly.

Plastic Fencing is Low Maintenance

Think of fencing material in the same way you would a pet. Wood is a needy material and you would have to stain, paint and treat it. plastic fencing on the other hand doesn't need much upkeep. All you will need to do is wash it down now and then with soap and water. Plastic is easy to keep attractive and it lasts up to 50 years. You will be saving a lot of money in the long run when you choose plastic as a fencing option.

An Attractive Option

PVC fencing is an attractive option and serves as a barrier like no other and compliments its surrounding structures. Plastic is available in White but can be painted using a good quality Acrylic Roof paint.

Value fencing offers many styles and offers a wood grain look that looks exactly like the real deal.