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The Price of PVC Fencing

The Price of PVC Fencing

Author: Value Fencing Franchise SA Group
Date: 2022-09-21

The Price of PVC Fencing

More than likely, you've come across PVC fencing in your search for new residential fencing solutions

The use of PVC for residential fences is on the rise. They have low up-front expenditures, minimal recurring expenses, and minimal maintenance requirements. It may be found in a wide variety of sizes, forms, and heights, and it can be installed in no time at all.

Typically standing between 1m and 1,8m tall (although reaching heights of up to 2,1m).

Vinyl fences are quite versatile. A greater height means a higher installation price due to longer and larger profile posts. If the terrain is hilly, bumpy, or rocky, you should expect to pay extra because it will take more posts and man hours and specialist equipment to address the issues.

PVC fencing's components are all made to fit together seamlessly, so it can be set up in no time. Reinforced posts should be installed in concrete at a depth of 600 to 900 millimeters, depending on fence height.

Posts are normally planted 50% of fence height. IE: 1,2m high fence's posts are planted 600mm deep and 1,8m high fence's posts are planted 900mm deep into soil.

Cost of White Picket Fence

To have a PVC picket fence put in, you should expect to pay anything from R1190 to R1550 per square meter on average. In order to inquire about pricing options, please contact Value Fencing.

The typical fence height for both residential backyards and front yards is 1,8m. This height is ideal for delineating property lines, discouraging trespassing, and protecting the safety of children and pets within the enclosure.

Cost of PVC Privacy Fence

The going rate for a 1,8m high privacy fence is between R1650 to R1980 per running meter at 1,8m high.

The cheapest option will typically be the simplest in appearance. You should expect to pay more for fences of greater height and/or embellishment.

Commonly used designs are lattices & trellises, all of which provide excellent support for climbing plants.

When you want to keep the noise level down in your yard, a tall privacy or Semi-Private fence is the way to go. There is no need to worry about your obnoxious neighbors spying on you or your family when you have a privacy fence. Not to mention, the fence protects your family and pets from harm.

Even though they are expensive to set up initially, the advantages they provide make the cost worthwhile.

See more prices on other variants Here