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Best PVC fencing Contractor in South Africa
Best PVC fencing Contractor in South Africa
When comparing Quotes with other suppliers, you must compare Apples with Apples.
We believe: "Everything in business is negotiable, except Quality"
- Our fence sections are 1,9m post to post, not 2,4m wide as theirs, making ours sturdier. (Ours require more posts which affect the price)
- Our material is of a much higher grade using more and higher-grade Dupont brand Ti02 for UV resistance and is the ONLY PVC material ASTM certified for "PVC Fencing" use, NOT cables & conduit. (See attached)
- Our posts are filled with 25-30MPA 42.5S concrete mix with steel re-enforcing, whereas One Competitor uses normal 32,5 Build cement at 12MPA, and NO re-bar & the Other does not fill posts at all.
- Our gates & gate posts have Aluminium sleeve inserts for strength, hinge & latch mounting, it is not hollow, nor do we use steel.
- With us you have the back-up of a 12-year-old Franchise group, not a relatively new Agent.
- Value Fencing had initially designed all the current PVC fencing styles used today. We are true pioneers.
- We had produced the most innovative way for gate construction using Aluminium internals (copied, but not perfected) by others.
Kindly also note that al PVC are NOT the same, no matter what the Competitors might say.
Since 2009 - The Original and the Best.
There are fundamental differences in Composition as well as installation.
Ours are Co-extruded with a protective outer layer, not single as others.
Ours are free from recycled plastics and made from pure Virgin PVC.
* Ours is of F 964 World Standard quality fit for Countries like New Zealand whereas the lower quality ones are not allowed there
* Ours is the ONLY one with ASTM certification for specific: "PVC Fencing" whereas other Companie's are on internal Cabling & Conduit pipes.
* We use elevated levels Ti02 (Titanium Dioxide) for UV resistance. PS: We use only DUPONT brand non chalking grade Ti02 opposed to cheaper grades by others.
* Others also partially substitute Ti02 with CAC03 (Calcium Carbonate) to cut costs, making the product brittle & less flexible, which will result in it cracking and flaking in years to come. (This material will appear slightly more blueish)
* Our posts are filled with Steel re-enforced concrete (Not just cement) at 25 to 30 PMA using only NPC Black 42,5S used to build bridges and cure 4x faster. Competitors use standard Build cement & no steel re-enforcing. Others do not even fill their posts.
There are endless advantages in using Value Fencing's uPVC:
When dealing with Value Fencing PVC Franchise Group SA, the clear market leader in the PVC fencing (aka plastic fence) industry in South Africa with by far the largest Market share in the country, you have the assurance and back-up of our proven Franchise Group systems and extensive product knowledge.
Over the past 11 years Value Fencing pioneered the local PVC fencing industry in South Africa to what is the benchmark known today.
In fact, we have designed all current PVC fencing types, styles & systems used by everyone
Value Fencing imported & professionally installed over 152 x 40-Footer shipping containers (more than double all competitors combined) PVC materials of the highest possible quality, with an extensive list of satisfied customers.
We are the 1st choice for Architects, Project Managers, Developers & Building Contractors, and approved on most Estates.
Value Fencing PVC impose rigorous standards of performance, quality and workmanship guided by our strict Quality Management Policies, thus we do NOT sub-contract our installations & have well trained professional installers with years of experience in the field.
We custom manufacture each product to ensure that it meets the specific requirements for which it is required.
- 85mm Newel spaces done (Not 100mm as by others)
- Max section width = 1,2m (Not 1,6m as by Other Contractors)
- Proper T- top rails to be used (Not 51x89 rectangular Pool fence rails as by others)
- Our balustrade conforms to NBR & SANS regulation principal criteria for balusters & safety railing.
PS: Ours is the ONLY PVC balustrade to PASS the Engineers pendulum sandbag test:
Value Fencing designed all PVC fencing types & styles used in South Africa, copied by others as well as most styles all over the world.
Our innovative Gate construction method is far superior to all other manufacturers. (Copied, but not perfected by others),
It is simply put like: Comparing a Mercedes with a Korean car.
Kindly Google: "The best PVC fencing Contractor in the World"